About African Trade Web Portal - ATWP

African Trade Web Portal (ARSO DISNET ATWP) - is an Electronic Integrated Standardisation Information and Trade Intelligence Web Portal and platform, and to facilitate - Country-by-country information about import and export conditions of their  products and as a Guide to African Traders, exporters and importers to find detailed product information and best source or export market : tariffs; rules of origin; product requirements; customs procedures and formalities; VAT/excise duties/sales taxes; Trade barriers/Market Access regulations (Standards, Conformity Assessment and Technical Regulations, specific labelling or packaging provisions); trade statistics; the competent authorities in the importing country.

It is to Document specific trade and Technical Market requirements for most traded products in Africa in each member States and provide comprehensive African trade information, data, facts and figures. Help Traders and Exporters identify and evaluate, online, trade opportunities across target markets in African countries and identify trade obstacles by providing Sector specific online data and guides to exporting to African countries under the African Single market.